Saturday, August 29, 2009

Swimming with Marion

Like stepping back in time...

Want to swim with Marion, Charlie, Harold, and Greta? While they, and the fabulous beach cottage of Marion Davies, may be long gone, the original Venetian marble saltwater pool and the 7,000-square-foot guesthouse, the only building from the original estate, are still around. And, happily, they have been renovated and are open to the public!

According to the article on

"Reservations to swim in the mansion’s original pool sell out within minutes each day. Rooms for private parties in the new two-story pool house, with sweeping views of California’s once storied Gold Coast, are booked until early next year."

There is also a photo gallery accompanying the story; there's only a few photos of the pool, more of vintage beach gear that's on display. Nonetheless, I may have to change my vacation plans and head for California, instead!

ETA: Here is the link to the Annenberg Community Beach House, with some photos and a brief history of the pool/guest house.


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